CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del FVG with teatrodelleapparizioni
By Lewis Carroll
From an idea of Fabrizio Pallara
Written by Roberta Ferrari e Fabrizio Pallara
Director Fabrizio Pallara
Cast Eleonora Bracci e Francesco Picciotti
Set and Puppets by Eleonora Bracci, Fabrizio Pallara e Francesco Picciotti
Shack construction Marco Lucci
Stage photos Alice Durigatto
We thank Teatro Medico Ipnotico e Simone Spangaro
With the support ofl Centro di Residenza della Toscana (Armunia-CapoTrave/Kilowatt), Comune di Sansepolcro
A puppet theater topped by a large clock, a family of white rabbits and a great hurry. "It's late!" Dad keeps saying as he accompanies little Alice to school. She doesn't understand that rush, she tries to follow her father and respect the rules until a setback stops her. In the race to school Alice falls and that fall turns into an opportunity to discover a different dimension. A show of puppet theater in which the meetings follow those of Alice in Wonderland by Carroll. A look at the dimension of time in the relationship between generations.