• Current

Coproduction Teatro del Buratto | CSS Teatro Stabile di Innovazione 

With Emanuela Dall'Aglio and Riccardo Paltenghi

Within the project Il Piccolo Museo della Fiaba


A dress-story that tells a myth. A terrifying creature enters the life of a village generating bewilderment and leading its inhabitants to shut themselves in. In this story, only a child with his reckless courage, fear, and absolute needs will be able to clash with the myth and find a solution. Unlike fairy tales in which one succumbs and the other wins, however, here from the encounter-clash with a little hero, through his sincere emotions, the basilisk will be able to transform his fate. Perhaps. And also find a friend... Perhaps.



Teatro Bruno Munari

Laboratorio 3

via Giovanni Bovio 5, 20159 Milano

tel. 02 27 00 24 76

