production Giallo Mare Minimal Teatro
author Vania Pucci
director Vania Pucci
cast Vania Pucci
drawings on sand Giulia Rubenni
video animations Ines Cattabriga
scene photos Sanzio Fusconi
Stories rest inside boxes, chests and cases. When you open a box, stories get some fresh air and you have the opportunity to tell them, for stories only live if they are being told…
The Adventures of Gaetano the Fish is a tale that a grandmother fish tells her 12,000 children and grandchildren every night at the bottom of the sea. It’s the story of Gaetano, a curious little fish with a big tail, born in a spring, up on the high mountains. Before falling asleep, Gaetano gazes at the starry sky and dreams of going on a big trip to discover the world. One day he decides to set off, and the only way to get out of the spring is to dive into the waterfall. This act of bravery marks the beginning of his journey of discovery. From the waterfalls he reaches the stream, the river and then the sea... There will be so many encounters during this journey, some scary, some pleasant – the grey fish, the crab, the lark, the heron, the laundresses, the pike and finally the gilt-head bream and the flashlight fish. In this trip Gaetano learns how to defend himself, how to make new friends and how not to be scared. Will he go back home in the end or will he continue his journey? Who knows...
The show was built with an original technique where different languages interact. The cast of the show includes a multimedia artist who moves the digitally created characters and have them interact with the actress, and a sand artist, who skillfully casts, molds and draws in the sand, creating settings and situations which are being projected live through a video camera. For over thirty years Giallo Mare Minimal Teatro has been producing shows with digital graphics and images that interplay with the body, gestures and dialogue of the actor.