production INTI
by Francesco Niccolini
direction Francesco Niccolini e Luigi D'Elia
with Simona Gambaro
scenes Luigi D’Elia e Simona Gambaro
light design Luca Telleschi
music Bevano Est e Antonio Catalano
with the support of Catalyst-Teatro Corsini Barberino di Mugello and Giallo Mare Minimal Teatro Empoli within the project "Residenze" Art. 43 Mibact-Regione Toscana.
From 6 years old
A little man gets into the stage not knowing why he is there and what to do. He is confused and overloaded with objects that he carries attached and inside a backpack held together by ropes and memories. He also carries an old suitcase with him. But who is this man? As soon as he feels a little less alien, he finds the courage to confess his misadventures. Like a flooded river he tells of clouds, skies and mountains, circuses, canaries, lions and clowns, but above all he tells of a man who planted trees. And after him, of a woman who wore very nice red shoes but too tight.