Schedía Teatro
By Riccardo Colombini
Cast Riccardo Colombini
from a glimmer of Donatella Diamanti
Set Designer Marco Muzzolon
Wardrobe lady Ornella Chiodini
Music Director Marco Pagani
Lighting Designer Matteo Crespi
Directed by Sara Cicenia e Riccardo Colombini
Frustrated by the many fails condemning him to a life without a happy end, the Big Bad Wolf decides to declare a strict strike of protest. At the news, the King announces solemn celebrations in the whole reign of fairy tales. Very soon, though, as the Wolf’s strike goes on, the world of fairy tales has to admit – wonder of wonders – that without the Big Bad Wolf things don’t run as smooth as they had expected. It is so that the King finds himself, unwillingly, to try any possible way to convince the Wolf to go back to work...