production Compagnia Le Scimmie
direction Salvatore Nicolella
adaptation Ciro Burzo
with Luigi Alessio Adimari, Ciro Burzo, Michele Ferrantino e Salvatore Nicolella
technique Mario Ascione
costumes Rachele Nuzzo
From 6 to 12 years old
“Why should i do that?” if someone else can do it, they should do it! While the emperor parades naked, us, members of the company “Le Scimmie” want to challenge young people, accompanying them in an another world, inside and outside the emperor’s Vanesio castel, with a modern language of sound, and a sparkle of magic, bring them, with the help of our masked weaver in front of a choice that is real and concrete. If nobody does it “why should i do it?” or “this means i should be the first to do it?”