• Current

produzione Factory Compagnia Transadriatica, Fondazione Sipario Toscana ONLUS

tratto da Mattia e il nonno di Roberto Piumini

con Ippolito Chiarello

regia Tonio De Nitto

musiche originali Paolo Coletta

costumi Lapi Lou

luci Davide Arsenio

in collaborazione con Nasca Teatri di Terra





Mattia and his Grandpa is a little masterpiece written by Roberto Piumini, one of the most appreciated authors of Italian children's literature. In a long and unexpected walk, grandfather and grandson, look at the world, to understand that which governs the human soul - they play together to keep the memory of their love alive forever… An infinite tenderness forms the basis of this extraordinary story written with sweetness and great oneirism. A work that shows us how to deal with life’s transformation and loosing a loved one through the innocent eyes of a child and the wisdom of a grandfather;  an understanding of the cycle of life. On stage, actor Ippolito Chiarello, take us on this journey through the innocent and curious eyes of Mattia.


10 maggio, venerdì

ore 11.30



Spazio Incontri

Via Giovanni Bovio 5, 20159 Milano

tel. 02 27 00 24 76

