• Current

 Installazione drammatica per una persona per volta

Finalista Premio Scenario Infanzia 2018

Presentazione stanze 1 e 2 su 6

durata percorso 5’


Ideazione, design, testi e voce Maria Alterno, Richard Pareschi

Sound design Lorenzo Tomio

Light design Mattia Dal Bianco


dai 13 anni in su




Dreaming Beauty is a dramatic installation in the rooms of Sleeping Beauty’s enchanted castle. Teen spectators will enter, one-by-one, the castle and cross each of the rooms. Entering the enchanted castle will be as entering the dreaming mind of the sleeping maiden. Each room is an episode of her dream: the spaces described in the fairy tale take on a dreamlike-surreal connotation and the images and sounds blend in with the sleeping teen’s internal monologue which ponders on her age.


may 10, friday

dalle ore 11.00 alle ore 17.00



Sala Prove

Via Giovanni Bovio 5, 20159 Milano

tel. 02 27 00 24 76

